Handchimes Night!
Handchime are being practiced tonight in the second part of the children’s choir rehearsal.
The last half hour of tonight’s rehearsal will be handchime practice. (8:30pm to 9pm.)
Handchime are being practiced tonight in the second part of the children’s choir rehearsal.
The last half hour of tonight’s rehearsal will be handchime practice. (8:30pm to 9pm.)
Each year we sing two church services for St. Andrew’s United. (The church where we rehearse.) This performance is important as our thank you for allowing us to rehearse in the space for no cost.
Here are the details:
The service is from 11:00am until about 12:00pm.
Our call time is 10:15am so that we can warm up before the service.
Both the children’s and the youth choir are performing.
We will be wearing our choir uniform. (Red shirts, black pants and shoes.)
Everyone is welcome to attend the service.
There will be a small reception after the service for the kids to have a snack.
Handchime are being practiced tonight in the second part of the children’s choir rehearsal.
The last half hour of tonight’s rehearsal will be handchime practice. (8:30pm to 9pm.)
Tonight is our annual Winter Concert. Here are the details:
The concert is at St. Andrew’s United Church. (Where we rehearse.)
Please arrive at for 6pm. We will start at 6:15pm.
Performance attire is our red choir shirts, black pants, black socks & shoes. “Christmasy” items can be added to the performance attire.
Please bring a dessert to share.
There is no cost for the concert, but a donation to support the choir is appreciated!
We are off over the summer, but things will be starting back up at 6:30pm for the children’s choir and 7:30pm for the youth choir on Tuesday, September 9, 2025! We look forward to seeing you then!
Handchime are being practiced tonight in the second part of the children’s choir rehearsal.
The last half hour of tonight’s rehearsal will be handchime practice. (8:30pm to 9pm.)
Handchime are being practiced tonight in the second part of the children’s choir rehearsal.
The last half hour of tonight’s rehearsal will be handchime practice. (8:30pm to 9pm.)
Before regular rehearsal tonight, for those interested in learning to play handchimes, we will have a practice from 5:15pm to 5:45pm.
The last half hour of tonight’s rehearsal will be handchime practice. (8:30pm to 9pm.)
We will be performing at one of our local senior’s home. Details are TBA.
Tonight is our annual Winter Concert. Here are the details:
The concert is at St. Andrew’s United Church. (Where we rehearse.)
Please arrive at for 6pm. We will start at 6:15pm.
Performance attire is our red choir shirts, black pants, black socks & shoes. “Christmasy” items can be added to the performance attire.
Please bring a dessert to share.
There is no cost for the concert, but a donation to support the choir is appreciated!
Here is the information about the Spirit Walk.
If you have not been before, the way it is set up is that each group is at a campsite. The path between each campsite is lined with candles. Each group performs for a few minutes then the crowd moves on to the next campsite.
Here are the details:
It is at the Springwater Conservation Area, just outside of Aylmer. (8059 Springwater Rd, Aylmer, ON N5H 2R4)
When you arrive look for the school house. That is where we will meet.
We are to arrive at 5:30pm. We will then be taken to the site where we will be performing.
Our first group should be just after 6:00pm and will finish by 8:30pm.
We will be outside for about 3 hours, and although we will have a campfire going to help keep warm, everyone should dress appropriately for the weather! Environment Canada Weather
We are not wearing our performance attire. The biggest priority is warm clothing.
If there are "Christmassy" items (hats, scarves, antlers, etc.) that people would like to wear, please bring them along.
Other things:
It might be a good idea for people to bring along a thermos with a warm beverage to sip on between groups.
The campsites are not going to be lit and we are reading music. If anyone has a camping lantern please bring it along.
Before regular rehearsal tonight, for those interested in learning to play handchimes, we will have a practice from 5:15pm to 5:45pm.
The last half hour of tonight’s rehearsal will be handchime practice. (8:30pm to 9pm.)
Each year we sing two church services for St. Andrew’s United. (The church where we rehearse.) This performance is important as our thank you for allowing us to rehearse in the space for no cost.
Here are the details:
The service is from 10:30am until about 11:45am.
Our call time is 10:00am so that we can warm up before the service.
Both the children’s and the youth choir are performing.
We will be wearing our choir uniform. (Red shirts, black pants and shoes.)
Everyone is welcome to attend the service.
There will be a small reception after the service for the kids to have a snack.
Before regular rehearsal tonight, for those interested in learning to play handchimes, we will have a practice from 5:15pm to 5:45pm.
The last half hour of tonight’s rehearsal will be handchime practice. (8:30pm to 9pm.)
Each year on the Tuesday before Halloween we take a stroll in the graveyard across from the church. It is our annual tradition!
You do not have to go if you don’t want to.
We are respectful of the graves when we walk through the yard.
You can wear costumes this night if you would like.
Please bring your choir shirt to rehearsal tonight. We will have a look to make sure that the shirt fits properly and exchange if needed.
This includes choir members and eGaming.
Before regular rehearsal tonight, for those interested in learning to play handchimes, we will have a practice from 5:15pm to 5:45pm.
The last half hour of tonight’s rehearsal will be handchime practice. (8:30pm to 9pm.)
We will rehearse, but we will also enjoy a PIZZA PARTY!
Children’s Choir - 6:30pm to 7pm.
PIZZA PARTY - 7pm to 8pm.
Youth Choir - 8pm to 9pm.
Welcome back!
This year we are overlapping the first part of the youth choir rehearsal with the older kids from the children’s choir.
From 7:30pm until 7:45pm we will have both groups together.
There will be a short break at 7:45pm for the children’s choir to exit, then we will continue with our regular rehearsal.
Welcome back! We are looking forward to seeing you again.
This year the children’s choir will be divided into younger and older groups.
Both groups will rehearse together until 7pm.
The intermediate kids will continue to rehearse until 7:45.
The last 15 minutes from 7:30pm to 7:45pm will be with the youth choir to rehearse pieces together.
We are now looking for new members for both choirs.
Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings at St. Andrew's United Church, 60 West Ave. in St. Thomas.
Our regular rehearsal times have changed during the pandemic:
Children's Choir - 6:00pm to 6:30pm
Youth Choir - 6:45pm to 7:15pm
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